Fixing 434 links in 111 files for pyenv

A.K.A. shell scripting is awesome, and why don’t-repeat-yourself (DRY) matters. Context: PyPy moved its repositories to Heptapod (unrelated, but I have to mention it is an awesome source-code forge and a project) and binary builds to PyPy could no longer be installed using pyenv. Since I happened to try install PyPy the same day it stopped working, I was among the few it noticed it.

The project pyenv has several small bash scripts, one for each version, both binary and source builds. This totalled to a staggering 111 files with 434 lines of code containing the base URL (which no longer works). On one hand, it makes it easier to understand, to contribute to and to maintain pyenv. But at rare events such as this, when the entire PyPy repository gets moved to, it becomes unnecessarily painful to fix the code, because the same “value” gets repeated all over the code base. Here is pypy3.5-6.0.0-src for example:

install_package "openssl-1.1.0j" "" mac_openssl --if has_broken_mac_openssl
install_package "pypy3-v6.0.0-src" "" "pypy_builder" verify_py35 ensurepip

One way to fix this would be to write a Python code parsing all the text. But for some reason, it felt natural to apply shell scripting to this problem, functionally.

Bash + GNU Parallel: To parallelize and map the script over all files

set -e
awk -f links.awk "$1" > "$"
mv -f "$" "$1"

This nifty bash script takes one argument $1 which is a file we need to change and outputs to a temporary file. If no error is encountered the original file is replaced.

The bash script ( is parallelized on all files. An arbitrary threshold of 4 processes are set in order to not spam the server:

ls pypy* -1 | parallel -j4 "./ {}"

Vim: Auto-formatting bash code

I needed to format the bash code to counter the indentations stripped out by the AWK code. However, I did not want to touch all lines, because the files in pyenv uses a strange code-style, where case blocks are not indented as it should be:

case "$(pypy_architecture 2>/dev/null || true)" in
"linux" )
  install_package "pypy-1.6" "" "pypy" verify_py27 ensurepip

To my delight, Vim can format any code intelligently, for an entire buffer, or a block or a line (which is what I needed). A simple normal-mode mapping == works like a charm. I came up with this Vim script to search for a pattern in a file and indent them.

function! g:FixIndents()
  set ft=bash smartindent

  " start at the top
  normal gg

  " search for a particular string till end of the file, do not wrap
  while search("^\\s*install_", "W")
    " auto indent
    normal ==

  " save and quit

One way to execute this would be to open all files as buffers in Vim and use the :source (to source the above Vim script) and :bufdo call FixIndents() command (to apply the function on all buffers). However this proved to be too slow. Thus, once again the Vim script (fix_indents.vim) is sourced and the function FixIndents() is called on the all files as follows:

ls -1 pypy* | parallel "vim --not-a-term -S fix_indents.vim +'call FixIndents()' {}"


It was a pleasing and learning experience to discover new bells and whistles of tools that I often use. And all thanks to UNIX philosophy, disparate tools can work together in harmony. The end-result was merged into pyenv today.

Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan

About the author

Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan, Ph.D. in Fluid mechanics

Posted by on in Tech Talk.
#software #python #open-source

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