Ternary operators

Different ways to compose ternary operator to condense if-else statements

into expressions in several programming languages Category: Tech Talk Tags: software, python, bash, c, cpp, java, ecmascript

Python has made a concious choice of promoting readability through its syntax. A good example of this is the conditional expression or ternary if-else "operator" in Python. What it means is instead of:

def even_or_odd(x):
    if x <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Even or odd is defined for positive integers only!")
    elif x % 2 == 0:
        result = "even"
        result = "odd"

    return result

you can write in a condensed yet easy to decipher:

def even_or_odd(x):
    if x <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Even or odd is defined for positive integers only!")

    return "even" if x % 2 == 0 else "odd"

If you are new to this, I highly recommend that you use this. It would reduce the indentation in nested if-else statements and need for intermediate variables in more real-life codes.

In other languages

In C/C++, Java, ECMAScript (a.k.a JavaScript) and possibly more languages the syntax is a bit more terse. It looks like this with ECMAScript:

function even_or_odd(x) {
  if (x <= 0) {
      throw "Even or odd is defined for positive integers only!"
  return (x % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd")

An advantage is that the syntax is more condensed; but as a downside, one needs to remember which side of the colon : assumes the value when the condition is True and vice versa.

C-style ternary operators using logical operators

I found a trick to create similar obfuscated ternary operators in Python. Here it goes:

def even_or_odd_ugly(x):
    if x <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Even or odd is defined for positive integers only!")

    return x % 2 == 0 and "even" or "odd"

It looks nearly like the C-style ternary operator, but is not at all readable. It works because how the logical boolean operators and, or short-circuits.

In Bash-like shells such expressions can be used to achieve the same effect:

even_or_odd() {
  local x=$1

  if [[ x -le 0 ]]; then
      echo "Even or odd is defined for positive integers only!"
      return 1

  [[ $((x % 2)) == 0 ]] && echo "even" || echo "odd"

While writing shell scripts such "ternary operators" are an idiom, because Bash commands returns a non-zero value in case of failure. This would be preferred over use of if-else constructs in Bash which, I think, are complicated in getting the syntax right.

mkdir -p build
./build.sh && echo "Build successful!" || echo "Build failed! Cleaning up ..." && rm -r build

Bonus: when to avoid if-else statements in Python

We saw a good example of when to use conditional expressions in Python. Now we go on a tangent to look at some features baked into Python which further allow the need for if-else statements.

Dictionary lookup

Instead of:

# assume the variable `color_of_fruits` is a dictionary

if "apple" in color_of_fruits:
    color = color_of_fruits["apple"]
    color = "red"

you could use the oneliner:

color = color_of_fruits.get("apple", "red")

Environment variables of the system are accessed via a special dictionary-like object os.environ. However, for environment variables, there is a handy standard library function os.getenv which is useful. Instead of:

import os

if "CC" in os.environ:
    c_compiler = os.environ["CC"]
    c_compiler = "gcc"


import os

c_compiler = os.getenv("CC", "gcc")

For both the dict.get method and os.getenv function, if you leave out the default value, you get None and no KeyError would be raised.

Fall-back values

Whenever you read files, download text from the internet it is not a 100% guarantee that the result would be what you expect. In that case you might need a fall-back value to work with. Take this naive case of reading and printing a file config.cfg which is empty:

def print_config():
    with open("config.cfg") as file:
        contents = file.read()
        if contents == "":
            print("File is empty")

From the previous discussion, we see that we can simplify it using conditional expressions as:

def print_config_conditional():
    with open("config.cfg") as file:
        contents = file.read()
        print("File is empty" if contents == "" else contents)

However in this case a cleaner option would be to use the short-circuiting property of the or operator to assign a fall-back value.

def print_config_fallback():
    with open("config.cfg") as file:
        contents = file.read() or "File is empty"

Note that in Python world, evaluating False, "", 0 or None as a part of a boolean expression would mean the same. Also in print_config_fallback, the variable contents is for illustrative purposes and can be avoided.

Further reading

Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan

About the author

Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan, Ph.D. in Fluid mechanics

Posted by on in misc.

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